the eruptionswinzer
The ERUPTION winemaker community has reformed. Unsurprising perhaps in view of the name – you might expect sudden activity here!
The most important aspect first – the community has grown. Three new businesses have joined while it has been recognised that disagreement and friction can be drivers of change.
The group, based around the Scharl, Krispel, Ulrich, Hutter, Pfeifer and Müller wineries in the Vulkanland Steiermark region, has long been well-known for its unique dynamism. We’ve demonstrated this time and again in the form of our expressive Burgundy wines, outstanding reds, sparkling wines and our lively and unforgettable wine festivals. So far so good. Now we’ve not only taken on a new guise, but the group has become larger.
Doubtless it was with the aim of obtaining new insights that the newcomers – Gollenz, Thaller and Frühwirth – were recruited. “We’re an interesting group with all our different approaches. So you would naturally expect disagreement and friction,” says the new chairman Stefan Müller. In this post he succeeds the other Stefan – Stefan Krispel – who led the group through many a turbulent time in recent years. At least part of what it has given the ‘Eruptionswinzer’. In its new form, the group intends to make a clear statement. To make itself visible and demonstrate that everything here is not always simply wine and roses. “We talk together, say what we think, defend our viewpoints. Just like otherwise in life. And this results in the generation of an unusual strength,” concludes Krispel.